Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pre ICC Story

BACK STORY; High school drop out..


I currently am attending ICC in East Peoria, IL. Where I have realized my potential and the impact on the world that I want to have someday. When I first came here I was so shocked at what college looked like, because of the fact that I never was someone who went to school or took it too serious. I knew education was important, but my personal fable allowed me to believe that as long as I graduate I'll be okay. WRONG! Especially if you want a life worth living. As I've grown and matured over the time between graduation and now I realize how important education and a degree truly is to me. During my high school years I had made it a point to be different and make sure I wasn't grouped in with all the other kids. I'm not sure what it is about me but I never have appreciated being overlooked. So by accident I ended up hanging out with some of the more popular kids in my high school. As much as I appreciated their friendship I allowed my popularity to distract me from what I should have been preparing for; my future. By the time graduation was rolling around my GPA was 0.7, I had straight D's & F's, and I had already missed over 200 days of school and was considered a chronic truant! Nothing I'm proud of, of course. (Especially since I didn't graduate the 8th grade because of the American History test; and if your from Illinois you know what that is.) So while everyone else was preparing for Junior prom I was in the deans office receiving my walking papers. Woodruff High school dropped me. Now I was in a predicament as to where I would go since it is a law that teenagers must attend an educational facility of some sort but NOT District 150 if that was the district that released you. I was so upset with myself I couldn't think straight. Luckily I have a mother who believes in me so much that she dedicated her time to make sure I was put somewhere to receive a diploma. First place I went was  the high school program ICC had set up a few years ago allowing students to come and make up classes so they were able to receive a diploma and go on to the college. In my first meeting I was nervous up until the lady who was interviewing me said that I would have to attend for 3 years! so I wouldn't have a diploma until I was 20! I had to fight the welling tears in my eyes for everything I was worth. I couldn't show how hurt I was because I did this to myself. After leaving there defeated my mom contacted Pual Monrad; The principal of the Adult Ed building to where I was sent in the past when I was kicked out of school for previous reasons. After  meeting with him he informed us about an alternative school where I could come to finish the credits I needed to graduate. I agreed to this plan and attended everyday! Since it was such a small setting it wasnt hard to join right in and do what I needed to do to get finished. Socially I fit right in and made friends fairly easily and unfortunately enemies even quicker. I stayed out of trouble long enough to earn the majority of my credits and finished the rest in credit recovery due to an incident with me and a few other students. Academically I flourished due to the environment with the 1:10 student teacher ratio. I was even lucky enough to have teachers who inspired me so much they influenced my college career as well. One teacher in particular, Ms. Raver, noticed my talent for art and design, (which was the only A+ I ever made in my traditional High School) and suggested I go to ICC for graphic design next year, the following year I found myself surrounded my college kids who have a past similar to mine but still managed to be here and work hard.

Almost done...

After reserching the career and program I found myself with options and the educational freedom I was seeking back during freshman year! Although I spent 5 years in high school as consequence for my actions I appreciate the alternative school and its impact it has had on my life and esteem. I feel strongly about the influence the environment had on me and believe that more cities should invest in this educational system. I'm certain I'm  not the only person who has had issues with public schools, the size of the classrooms, and social distractions. But because I was sent to this place where i thought I'd find my death, I in fact found my life and my calling. One thing I want to see as I build my wealth and celebrity through my career, Is the building of alternative high schools nation wide for kids who have learning issues and prefer smaller classes. A school where the socially awkward and artistically gifted children can come and earn an education as well as work on their future plans for college. I want it to be open to the public and operating for the students success. This project is the mark I want to leave behind once my life has been lived.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Give up cars!?

I recently read a passage in my English text about German director who no longer uses a vehicle to get from A to B. He claims that "Its a big relief." With rising gas prices and global warming slowly revealing itself its no wonder some people make these decisions. Although bike riding is a great alternative for local travel as well as super great exercise, how does a cyclist get from one city to another? Or one state to another? As dangerous, expensive, and bio hazardous cars may be we cant escape the fact that America was pretty much built for motor vehicles. I.e. streets, highways, and parking lots as well as weight stations and toll booths. I feel that a major solution to many peoples concerns of global warming and gas prices are alternative fuels that wont harm the economy and wont put a dent in you wallet. Depending on hydrogen fuel and cell technologies (plug in cars) may be what saves our planet years from now! In the United States if re elected Obama plans to spend roughly 8 Million dollars (surely either borrowed or payed for by consumers) on alternative fuels and cars supporting them in order to lower gaseous emissions in our environment and reduce threats to our national security by pulling the plug on foreign oil trade. This idea may be a day late as far as our ecosystems are concerned but believed to definitely prevent any further damage to our ozone layers which consequently is the cause of bizzare weather patterns and 19 major hurricanes in an 10 month period, sadly. Pee S, he should give them out for free; on to each family like he did those prepaid phones 2 years ago!


\/  I'll take one  \/



your deciding the future of you and your children's America.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Healthcare, and some mo' shhh...

 Kinda Rant Like;

My thought is Obamacare is not for now, but the future. Although I believe Obamacare to be ridiculously expensive, (adding to the deficit and creating plummeting numbers in the job market although it was inevitable.) I also recognize where it may be of some use. I personally believe that in only a short period of time there will be massive shortages of food and water in the United States, as well as common resources we take for granted today. I believe our children's children will live in a society that food and drinks are rationed amongst the people in a way that we don't even realize its being rationed. Our families will live in a United states we will no longer recognize as "free." With rights being stripped from us under our noses today like freedom of speech, enforcing random strip searches in institutional facilities, and even our cellphone uses and location tracking. Which if you think about it why does a cell phone need to be tracked 24/7, and who gets to use this information? What about google!? All someone has to do is type in an address and now is able to watch anyone they want in real time with a birds eye view from any internet capable device. Only things that will be free from rule will be sunlight. And heck who even knows about that, don't even mention whether engineers using machines to create thunderstorms and alter whether patterns! I believe this bill to pass Obamacare is a placeholder for the future ensuring that anyone in the future no matter how bad America gets overall will be able to receive some sort of medical attention no matter how miniscule. Even of our ex-Afghan soldier police open fire on children for J-Walking or loitering.Its my personal belief that we are not too far from a world of crime rates reaching 80% and death rates even higher. With more and more jobs lost everyday and less educational facilities open to our youth, we are facing a future too grim to foresee. I have a strong belief that Obama knows this and is doing what he can to add preventative measures so that the people of this country are as well off as possible.


Drunk Truckers

Testing for drug and alcohol use in drivers of commercial vehicles is very important and could potentially save thousands of lives. This statistic resource states, "In 2004, 1159 truck accidents took place in Oregon, which resulted in fatalities, injuries, or damage to other vehicles." ( goes on to claim that the number grow more and more every year. As I read Special Report: Drug testing needs improvement not clearinghouse many methods used to test drugs are passive and guarantee no safety due to false positives and positive test results not being handled properly. It concerns me most that these drivers aren't more carefully screened seeing as how more commercial vehicles are being used each day. Most of these men and women probably don't consider the fact that even though you may think you have control you don't, under most narcotics and depressants. Also ignoring the fact that a 23,000 will be fatal to anyone in say the Honda Civic in the passing lane. Because the machinery these people operate are so dangerous and ultimately unpredictable it is essential to beef up screening techniques for drivers because of the damage an 18-wheeler can do. In the passage it does offer a solution stating that drivers not using drugs are able to reduce their testing. Although this idea may be ideal to the men being tested I personally believe that this will do nothing to keep users from driving under the influence. Instead may be used as a way to cheat the system and in turn reward active users for holding off long enough that if they succeed they wont be tested as much. Not at all eliminating any highway risks or traffic fatalities. A solution I do think would be effective is hold the penalty for usage higher. So that drivers wont even consider the drugs or drunk driving because they don't want to be put in a position they are unable to come out of. Raising fear to reduce risk.

Friday, October 19, 2012

naturally happy

Recently we have been assigned to compose and analytical essay in English 110 at ICC. I found this assignment sort of difficult, only because I wasn't sure what kind of topic I found interesting enough to analyze in a way that would not only be regurgitating information but also adding to the conversation. After multiple ideas and a constant debate on which topic would be most interesting I decided to go forward and expand on a previous essay I had written. Introducing my analytical essay I posed the interpretive question, " Does the Christian Bible condemn natural homosexuality?" A question I believe may be undebatable when considering facts as far as timeline and authors. And even more relevant when considering the mistreatment Gays face in their own congregations among so-called Christians. While constructing this paper I did plenty of research online as well as socially. I decided to take advantage of my college peers and made it a point to ask around about peoples religious beliefs and practices.Many of my surveyed individuals were happy to discuss this topic and related to my bias point of view. As for the majority of others who opposed the view, their reasons stemmed from their churches teachings. Being my inquisitive self I engaged in a line of questioning like, "Well if your church doesn't tolerate homosexuality, why?" Someone would say, " My beliefs are all gays go to hell because God hates their sins." I reply, "Why is this your opinion when we, according to Christianity, we're all born with original sin and will die for that exact reason and are unable to be free in this life of sin." Although most conversations started the same most peoples reasons were different. One individual even claiming, "Our church doesn't allow gays to be members of the church, they're only allowed to listen because how can the blind lead the blind." Meaning that a gay person wouldn't be allowed to lead the choir, assume the position of deacon or pastor, or be considered a member and gain the churches support in any fashion because of his or her sexual preference. Even if that person is an exceptionally wise individual and believes the Lord Jesus Christ died for his or her sins. In my personal opinion I believe that all this confusion of whats right, wrong, and accepted stems from the propaganda the Modern churches spread.

 How openly gay men are treated in churches.

Also the fact that in our society gays aren't allowed to marry, further promoting the hate for the lifestlye considered "taboo" . (Which isn't taboo at all, nor restricted to only the human race.) When the Bible refers to homosexuality its in a negative context because in that era the practices were used to praise and worship false and idol Gods. What I believe has happened is that when that message is preached people assume that it has any correlation to natural homosexuals who aren't defying God or refusing his knowledge, but instead responding to their natural human sexuality, which I go into greater detail in my analytical essay. But in conclusion and without saying a mouth full, the distinction between natural homosexuality and satanic or idol worship needs to be made clear because it does make a difference. The difference between saved and committed homosexual Christians waiting for marriage or seeking only one sexual partner (which is what the bible says we all should be doing anyways) and promiscuous, practicing homosexuals fully engulfed in the lifestyle and have allowed pleasure to consume them morally and spiritually is a relevant fact that needs to be taken into consideration.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

300 Million 

I recently read a passage in my English text book Joining the Conversation that discusses the increase in the United states population. This passage details the increase of 20 million Americans in the last 20 years. Author Aida Aki claims that an annual birthrate of  about 1 percent accounts for 60 percent of this the other 40 percent is due to immigration. The major point I recognized in this piece is that assimilation of immigrants is an issue some people are concerned about. The concern Aki has is that with such large population migrating to the U.S. we will have a hard time living amongst one another being that English is not their first language. In many cases some communities don't speak English at all. "If we cant all communicate together with one language as Americans, its very difficult to see how we are going to have a cohesive society in the long term. That's a major problem that can result in the 'Balkanization' of the United States over the long term," says D'Agostino. D'Agostino believes that if immigrants keep coming in at this rate we as a country will experience divided cultural communities within the United States. My concern with the large immigration percentages is the job market and its growth. If its an issue to assimilate immigrants now, imagine a state where illegal foreign immigrants are not only undereducated but also impoverished. Poverty leads to increased crime rates due to unemployment. I believe that turning this situation into somewhat of a positive is a fairly simple solution. I'm aware that computers are the generation we live in, and as time goes on they will get more and more advanced which is amazing, but what I don't agree with is the jobs normally held by people are now being given to computers. Jobs that could at the very least give American families a decent living. My solution would be to exterminate these computer based, automated, self services and use real people with real lives and real financial situations. These jobs should be given to people so that more money is going into households thus more money being generated in the economy. I believe that if more jobs were given to immigrants along with federally financed English courses to teach them the language of the land will fix any issue Aki predicts, any issue preventable. Although I'm sure only God knows what the future national birthrate will bring, especially with sex being marketed at an all time high these days, but that's another topic.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When in doubt...

I got to create my own instrumental today for the intro to my animated short. I hope you all like it, let me know what you think about it please!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Reading through the passage titled "Among Believers" published in Joining the Conversation. I had a hard time not being judgmental internally, but as I finished reading and understood the message the writer was trying to convey it made me think of the roles our parents and guardians play in the religions we choose to follow. If a child is told very young about God he will grow to believe in him and what he knows of him. Much like the silly assholes who tell their kids Santa is real, giving him credit after spending their hard earned money during the biggest and most expensive Holiday of the year. What we as adults have to realize with our children is that their not stupid and when their cognition grows more questions will need to be answered. And in this moment is where I believe religion takes a turn for the worse. Being a parent has you explaining to your children your own morals and to stay on the "right" path or hell will be your reward. Which as a young, gay, black male scared me to death. Thinking I'd forever burn in hell for my thoughts, and behaviors. When dealing with children it is always best in my own belief to guide them and not direct them. People without or without religion are mostly taught very young and more than likely by a parental figure the way to deny or embrace specific religious beliefs. From my own experience religious practices at a young age causes stress and fright. Being afraid that no matter what I do or how much good, that my afterlife will forever be in flames. As a kid timeout seems like forever, a 5 year old could never truly imagine forever! In the passage he illustrates a very key point in his experience at vacation Bible school.

 He tells about how during his visit he was asked to color pictures of popular Biblical characters, and to make crosses out of Popsicle sticks. I was an intelligent child and these activities offended me and were completely arbitrary. I thought it to be very unimpressive for a church to have the kitty congregation color images of people they have no idea who they are as well as using images depicting a very Americanized white Jesus as the son of God. Which I believe to be a brainwashing technique to learn that your savior is white, but thats for another entry. He talks more about memorizing a hymn from the book of Psalms his teacher gave him while he was feeling doubtful. By the time he remembered the entire scripture he was ready to say it before prayer for Sunday diner, he said the words provided him warmth and comfort. Which i believe was the whole point of his story being told. Saying that no matter what you belive in you can always learn. He ended up being interrupted during for it being too lengthy; He still finished! In all, this story only reminds me of the religious battles I faced as a toddler all the way up into my late teens. Also reminding me of the way Christianity has influenced my life's decisions. I believe the words of the Bible aren't to be lived by word for letter, but to learn by and grow as mankind. When teaching children about religion throw away the cheap crayons and print outs of Mary and lambs. and work on conveying the messages the bible teaches in a language they can understand. And on one last note, everyone needs to stop mass distribution of images of Jesus being a white man with straight long hair, when that's probably the opposite of how he really looked. And if you believe it doesn't matter... then why did they change it in the first place?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

iGuess you can call it a poem

..something random I chose to write. I think the word love is a strong word because its more than just an emotion. Its a physical, mental, and spiritual state that allows one human being to be completely selfless to the life of another. "Love" and "the" are on completely different sides of the spectrum. Where "the" is used multiple times, sometimes even in the same sentence "love" should be sacred and distributed seldom.

My love

My love wont judge you or critique your flaws
My love wont ever hurt intentionally, and never physically
My love wont discourage your thoughts
My love wont ever harass your character, because your perfect to me
My love wont demand anything from you, 'cause its all for me
My love wont assume the worst in you
My love wont deny you
My love wont hold on to the past; letting it destroy our future
My love wont scare you away
My love wont make you wander, or wonder

My love will make you happier than you have ever been
My love will make you feel like a King
My love will forever last
My love will get me a Ring!
My love will take care of your every need, leaving nothing dismissed
My love will stimulate your mind, body, and soul
My love will capture your heart with no will to be freed
My love will mature your mind
My love will wake you up feeling well rested
My love will never have to be tested
My love will keep you full
My love will "hakunamatata"
My love will provide you peace
My love will be everlasting
My love will complete you

At the very least, my Love


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Respect the net!

Abusing Social Media, and for what...

Lately reading about what the attention to social media and online gossip does to the dollar in a company has me much more concerned on how rather when. And more about the types of media being viewed and observed and how millions of people are choosing to use these precious gifts we've been given in this our future for utter fuckery. (i.e. twitter, and clouds, and things like that.) I cant stress enough how powerful this generation is. Some of us more creative and intelligent individuals use these sites and technologies for good, work, school, and just keeping up with friends. Some even to make some pocket money and all the way up to Mult-billion dollar companies. If your familiar with the web and all of its many entertainments you come across your sites like,, and even and with the good come the bad. Where now its acceptable, funny, and even looked forward to having boy and girls exploit themselves online. And that extends from young children recorded and shared cursing and fighting. All the way up to their parens in the clubs getting drunk doing the exact same. Not to long ago, God Bless her, the young lady Amber cole was videotaped in public giving oral sex apparently to two of her classmates while they filmed, and shared good cheers. Being that she only 14 and these are websites that can clearly be munipluted and accessed by people their age and much younger, this type of things make an impression. Especially since how far and fast it spread in only a few days. The thing I believe is making it seem okay is the videos they DO allow without flag to be published online and spread widely, even endorsed. For example, it is now a legitimate bussiness to hire a professional TerkTeam to come to your city for a school or local function, go on stage and shake their ass for hours. Providing a full on performance of just that. (A "franchise" marketed on YouTube)

It kinda scares me thinking to which direction the majority of us will take with the use and powers the internet holds. What people are failing to realize is that we as mankind, have mastered every element of life, every thing living ,dead, or inanimate. So why not use these things to our advantage? Why not use these things to make our children smarter, instead of sluttier? Music videos, celebrity, films, and music are also to blame. Since that plays a  good percentage of the information even shared. If songs like "Blow my whistle" and "My homies still" can be played on any popular radio station with someone very obviously giving instrutions on how to suck dick...

"Go girl you can twerk it
Let me see you whistle while you work it
I'mma lay it back, don't stop it
'Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it on me
Now, shawty let that whistle blow-oh, oh oh
Yeah, baby let that whistle blow-oh oh!

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

Let me know
Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it
And we start real slow
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go

Whistle baby, whistle baby,

Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby,
Whistle baby, whistle baby,
Whistle baby, whistle baby" 
And the other chanting "throw that dick, throw that dick." What are kids to do, especially with catchy hooks and repetitive beats. Not to mention the fact that laptops are customary for our youngsters these days. So just in case they didn't catch a lyric, is just a click away.

With media and social networking (slowly raising our children) rising in popularity. While in the hands of immature and uninformed young people and adults on their jobs slacking. We risk our internet becoming forever and increasingly wasteful for the masses. Hey, who knows they might even take it away from us. I know everyone remembers the SOPA & PIPA cuasing the internet community to shut down for 24-hours. Clearly with the flick of a pen and the right signatures our freedoms we take for granted can easily be revoked.

Some Related Links:

Thank You for reading!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nicki Nicki Nicki!

Music is one thing that everyone anywhere can commentate and give an opinion on. Everyone loves music of some sort in some genre. I personally am a huge fan of the Rap and Hip Hop industry and the artist they bring to the table. One in specific that I can talk about to no end, is Nicki Minaj Born Onika Maraj a femcee turned icon born in Trinidad, and residing in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Minaj came into the game very early and has made strides and broken multiple records from then to today. I have been following this women nearly six whole years and with every year she seems to get better and more dynamic artistically. She seems to captivate me as well as the world with her provocative punchlines and multiple persona's she uses to give each and every track an individual identity.

"It was back in 07 did a couple of tapes.
Did a couple DVDs made a couple mistakes
Didn't know what I was doing but I put on a cape
Now it's which world tour should I go on today?"
In the opening track for her first studio album she speaks about doing mixtapes and "The Come Up" DVD which was initially what got her her earlier buzz. The DVD included cyphers and footage of her life and the things she was working on while still being an underground artist. From Bamboos [earrings] to Balenciaga she has came a very long way. During her long but relatively quick climb to success she has done major colabs with some of the industries biggest artist like Mariah Carey, Gucci Mane, Lil Wayne, Usher Raymond, Drake, Rihanna, Madonna, Blackeyed pea's Will-i-am, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Chris Brown, Nas, and believe me the list goes on and on! It seems to me that she was an artist that believes no job is too small even though 80% of her features has been on Billboard Hot 100, most at #1. [Its not what you know, but who.] What draws me in most i believe is her "Go Hard" attitude towards the industry and life in general and the leaps and chances she takes not caring what people think or may say, and just enjoying what she does and claiming that she is going to be her own boss with the motto "Be Somebody." The moguls attitude is something I can identify with as I to want to break into the world of music media and fashion and create my own lane and be compared to no one before me. Minaj started off as an artist struggling to be heard and now you can hear and see her literally everywhere. With endorsements from Pepsi, Adidas, MAC, to even a major voice over role in Ice Age: Continental Drift she has branded her name and is quickly becoming a fan favorite. With her huge success in the Rap world, more recently she has decided to do what makes her happy and that's music of all genres. With crossover hits like Superbass [Taylor Swifts favorite song!] Starships, and Pound the Alarm. She has stirred up the media with mixed feelings about her new direction. Although any fan or follower would already know what it she is trying to accomplish with these songs and her sound. I'm very proud of her story and success and everything she has in the making, including her new role as a judge on American Idol, although she will probably be seen drinking a lot of water since Idol is endorsed by Coca-cola. [Sorry Pepsi]

Nicki Minaj: My Time Now!

must see !!


 If you are interested in knowing more about who Nicki Minaj is take a look at some of these AWESOME links below:

Official Website
VMA Winner 
Breakfast Club Interview
Nicki Talks w/ Ellen
Nicki Minaj VEVO
Official Nicki Minaj YouTube

Thank You for reading!