Monday, October 22, 2012

Healthcare, and some mo' shhh...

 Kinda Rant Like;

My thought is Obamacare is not for now, but the future. Although I believe Obamacare to be ridiculously expensive, (adding to the deficit and creating plummeting numbers in the job market although it was inevitable.) I also recognize where it may be of some use. I personally believe that in only a short period of time there will be massive shortages of food and water in the United States, as well as common resources we take for granted today. I believe our children's children will live in a society that food and drinks are rationed amongst the people in a way that we don't even realize its being rationed. Our families will live in a United states we will no longer recognize as "free." With rights being stripped from us under our noses today like freedom of speech, enforcing random strip searches in institutional facilities, and even our cellphone uses and location tracking. Which if you think about it why does a cell phone need to be tracked 24/7, and who gets to use this information? What about google!? All someone has to do is type in an address and now is able to watch anyone they want in real time with a birds eye view from any internet capable device. Only things that will be free from rule will be sunlight. And heck who even knows about that, don't even mention whether engineers using machines to create thunderstorms and alter whether patterns! I believe this bill to pass Obamacare is a placeholder for the future ensuring that anyone in the future no matter how bad America gets overall will be able to receive some sort of medical attention no matter how miniscule. Even of our ex-Afghan soldier police open fire on children for J-Walking or loitering.Its my personal belief that we are not too far from a world of crime rates reaching 80% and death rates even higher. With more and more jobs lost everyday and less educational facilities open to our youth, we are facing a future too grim to foresee. I have a strong belief that Obama knows this and is doing what he can to add preventative measures so that the people of this country are as well off as possible.


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