Friday, October 19, 2012

naturally happy

Recently we have been assigned to compose and analytical essay in English 110 at ICC. I found this assignment sort of difficult, only because I wasn't sure what kind of topic I found interesting enough to analyze in a way that would not only be regurgitating information but also adding to the conversation. After multiple ideas and a constant debate on which topic would be most interesting I decided to go forward and expand on a previous essay I had written. Introducing my analytical essay I posed the interpretive question, " Does the Christian Bible condemn natural homosexuality?" A question I believe may be undebatable when considering facts as far as timeline and authors. And even more relevant when considering the mistreatment Gays face in their own congregations among so-called Christians. While constructing this paper I did plenty of research online as well as socially. I decided to take advantage of my college peers and made it a point to ask around about peoples religious beliefs and practices.Many of my surveyed individuals were happy to discuss this topic and related to my bias point of view. As for the majority of others who opposed the view, their reasons stemmed from their churches teachings. Being my inquisitive self I engaged in a line of questioning like, "Well if your church doesn't tolerate homosexuality, why?" Someone would say, " My beliefs are all gays go to hell because God hates their sins." I reply, "Why is this your opinion when we, according to Christianity, we're all born with original sin and will die for that exact reason and are unable to be free in this life of sin." Although most conversations started the same most peoples reasons were different. One individual even claiming, "Our church doesn't allow gays to be members of the church, they're only allowed to listen because how can the blind lead the blind." Meaning that a gay person wouldn't be allowed to lead the choir, assume the position of deacon or pastor, or be considered a member and gain the churches support in any fashion because of his or her sexual preference. Even if that person is an exceptionally wise individual and believes the Lord Jesus Christ died for his or her sins. In my personal opinion I believe that all this confusion of whats right, wrong, and accepted stems from the propaganda the Modern churches spread.

 How openly gay men are treated in churches.

Also the fact that in our society gays aren't allowed to marry, further promoting the hate for the lifestlye considered "taboo" . (Which isn't taboo at all, nor restricted to only the human race.) When the Bible refers to homosexuality its in a negative context because in that era the practices were used to praise and worship false and idol Gods. What I believe has happened is that when that message is preached people assume that it has any correlation to natural homosexuals who aren't defying God or refusing his knowledge, but instead responding to their natural human sexuality, which I go into greater detail in my analytical essay. But in conclusion and without saying a mouth full, the distinction between natural homosexuality and satanic or idol worship needs to be made clear because it does make a difference. The difference between saved and committed homosexual Christians waiting for marriage or seeking only one sexual partner (which is what the bible says we all should be doing anyways) and promiscuous, practicing homosexuals fully engulfed in the lifestyle and have allowed pleasure to consume them morally and spiritually is a relevant fact that needs to be taken into consideration.

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