Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pre ICC Story

BACK STORY; High school drop out..


I currently am attending ICC in East Peoria, IL. Where I have realized my potential and the impact on the world that I want to have someday. When I first came here I was so shocked at what college looked like, because of the fact that I never was someone who went to school or took it too serious. I knew education was important, but my personal fable allowed me to believe that as long as I graduate I'll be okay. WRONG! Especially if you want a life worth living. As I've grown and matured over the time between graduation and now I realize how important education and a degree truly is to me. During my high school years I had made it a point to be different and make sure I wasn't grouped in with all the other kids. I'm not sure what it is about me but I never have appreciated being overlooked. So by accident I ended up hanging out with some of the more popular kids in my high school. As much as I appreciated their friendship I allowed my popularity to distract me from what I should have been preparing for; my future. By the time graduation was rolling around my GPA was 0.7, I had straight D's & F's, and I had already missed over 200 days of school and was considered a chronic truant! Nothing I'm proud of, of course. (Especially since I didn't graduate the 8th grade because of the American History test; and if your from Illinois you know what that is.) So while everyone else was preparing for Junior prom I was in the deans office receiving my walking papers. Woodruff High school dropped me. Now I was in a predicament as to where I would go since it is a law that teenagers must attend an educational facility of some sort but NOT District 150 if that was the district that released you. I was so upset with myself I couldn't think straight. Luckily I have a mother who believes in me so much that she dedicated her time to make sure I was put somewhere to receive a diploma. First place I went was  the high school program ICC had set up a few years ago allowing students to come and make up classes so they were able to receive a diploma and go on to the college. In my first meeting I was nervous up until the lady who was interviewing me said that I would have to attend for 3 years! so I wouldn't have a diploma until I was 20! I had to fight the welling tears in my eyes for everything I was worth. I couldn't show how hurt I was because I did this to myself. After leaving there defeated my mom contacted Pual Monrad; The principal of the Adult Ed building to where I was sent in the past when I was kicked out of school for previous reasons. After  meeting with him he informed us about an alternative school where I could come to finish the credits I needed to graduate. I agreed to this plan and attended everyday! Since it was such a small setting it wasnt hard to join right in and do what I needed to do to get finished. Socially I fit right in and made friends fairly easily and unfortunately enemies even quicker. I stayed out of trouble long enough to earn the majority of my credits and finished the rest in credit recovery due to an incident with me and a few other students. Academically I flourished due to the environment with the 1:10 student teacher ratio. I was even lucky enough to have teachers who inspired me so much they influenced my college career as well. One teacher in particular, Ms. Raver, noticed my talent for art and design, (which was the only A+ I ever made in my traditional High School) and suggested I go to ICC for graphic design next year, the following year I found myself surrounded my college kids who have a past similar to mine but still managed to be here and work hard.

Almost done...

After reserching the career and program I found myself with options and the educational freedom I was seeking back during freshman year! Although I spent 5 years in high school as consequence for my actions I appreciate the alternative school and its impact it has had on my life and esteem. I feel strongly about the influence the environment had on me and believe that more cities should invest in this educational system. I'm certain I'm  not the only person who has had issues with public schools, the size of the classrooms, and social distractions. But because I was sent to this place where i thought I'd find my death, I in fact found my life and my calling. One thing I want to see as I build my wealth and celebrity through my career, Is the building of alternative high schools nation wide for kids who have learning issues and prefer smaller classes. A school where the socially awkward and artistically gifted children can come and earn an education as well as work on their future plans for college. I want it to be open to the public and operating for the students success. This project is the mark I want to leave behind once my life has been lived.

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