Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Back In My Day!

"Their (Teens) Brains cant multi-task as well..."

And why is that? According to Life Science Staff its because their brains aren't fully developed at this age. I call hog wash. I'm confident that science can explain away lots of life's mysteries ever so conveniently, but this one I can't give the credit to atoms and cells. In this matter, although every child is rare, unique, and complex, it comes down to sheer discipline. If you assign someone a task no matter the age they should be able to execute that task efficiently. Now if your child is 4 and your asking them to wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the gutters, and take out the trash you would be asking of them the impossible. But, if your 15 year old can sync apps and phone numbers between her iPad and iPod I's more than positive she can handle a list of chores. I firmly believe that technology is the root of our shrinking attention span. Before cell phones and television people like Rembrandt or Caravaggio were creating masterpieces. Even Da Vinci was a jack of all trades mastering not only the arts, but sciences as well. I'm sure that today's youth can handle household chores.

The steps to take to get our children focused lies within repetition. To make sure tasks are being completed on schedule a routine should established. After a schedule is put into place sticking to it will become routine. Putting emphasis on the importance of these tasks will ultimately make it priority on the child's to do list.

Teens aren't behind we'er just put the wrong things in front of them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Imma bad sport... so what!

"Pay you? For what!? We already let you live, eat, shit and spit for free... now you wanna be here getting paid! Boo-Who; so what you sprained your ankle. Get some ice and suck it up. It should be the love of the sport and the advantage at education that the most deserving don't even have that drives you; not minimum wadge for shooting baskets and making goals!"

-My inner thoughts on wasted $$$

Athletics seem to be the cash cow for many major universities and institutions; private and public. It appears that schools take huge pride in the ability of their athletes; rightfully. What throws those who oppose a curve ball is when on top of full rides including tuition and books, and in some cases free food, housing, and transportation, is when athletes feel they deserve, on top of it all, an actual paycheck for their efforts. I disagree. Not only because its ridiculously unfair to other students, but because they are already technically making an income by having an all-expense paid college experience. For example, tuition at a D1school can range from less than $10,000 all the way up to over $70,000. Traditional students attending strictly for academics are responsible for these fees, whereas athletes have this fee among many others waived. In all fairness these payouts are incredibly wasteful. By allowing student athletes the same wiggle room as a traditional student paying for school by workforce funds you are setting a subliminal standard that athletes are superior to the general population. Having a full ride would mean the world to most people and if natural talent isnt deserving and good grades only gets you halfway, should we all be forced to pick up an athletic hobby?! Out of my 2 years in college I have met plenty of athletes who feel payment should be mandatory and common place; but have no idea what their classes and books cost! Either they don't care or they DON'T CARE! In my personal opinion I believe athletes deserve every penny of the money spent on them to attend a particular institution and represent their athletics department, but where demands become ridiculous is when they are asking for physical paychecks along with their luxurious amenities provided on arrival.


If student athletes were to receive physical paychecks, I'd demand that the money payed out would become money owed and deducted from an amount payed by scholarships!

...I 'd even boycott the campus with sit ins to validate my point

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Leather and  jeans,  Garage  Fascinant .
Shadow is burnt, this photo of us.

Student Miles Haefner's 

rant about smokers and 
their freedom was very 

Student Miles Haefner's rant against people who are still debating smoking laws. He states,

 "Seriously, I am sick of it. I am not a smoker. My whole family smokes or is addicted to nicotine one way or another. But me on the other hand is lucky enough to have dodged the black lung bullet and maintained the somewhat healthy life. But does this mean I can look down upon Marlboro Men with a snide comment? Of fucking course not! Last time I checked smoking was legal."

I agree fully. I personally believe that smoking is a disgusting habit and to see the gunk that come through as you suck in your death should be evidence enough that this is bad. He mentions later the use of tobacco  through the history of man, and the risks having always been the same. People obviously feel indulging in temporary and harmful stress relief for today is  worth losing out of the last years of their lives. Some are even cost their limbs and organs permanently before their inevitable and self adjusted life span comes to an end. But the most important point that sold me on the entire article was his expression of how involved we are with such a dead end debate when much more important issues should be attracting concern. In the case of the public as far as respect goes I am content with the current arrangement for smoker, non-smoker socializing in society today. Most non-smokers aren't exposed to smokers in public if everyone is obeying the laws and being conscientious of others. If your legally considered an adult and the government allows you to purchase cigarettes and tobacco products and you choose to purchase them, your now being held personally responsible for your life for the choice you've made. Just be respectful of other.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Im convinced that keeping class sizes smalls is completely beneficial and even progressive!

1. Smaller class sizes allow instructors to direct s small group.

Smaller groups meeting allows for much more efficient instruction leading to increased student performance as well as enhancing memory and retention. Students meeting in smaller class room settings naturally have less distractions due to less people. Mostly because the teacher is able to pay more attention to the number of students they are responsible for in this type of environment. With more attention divided among only a few versus a mass, it makes completeing task much more easy.

2. Less Students/Classs  ::   More Teachers

If this trend does become a global norm then we now have more people employed to mold the eager minds we find in institutions all around the world. We cant argue more jobs. But not only do we have more people in the work force. We have more people being prepared for the work force and in a more efficint way. With more teachers emplyed im sure the economy could only improve. And to increase those odds we have young minds around the globe ready to work in order to make a decent living and future.

3. Ahead of the curve?

Althoguh no official studies have been done claims are that smaller class sizes increase the chances of secondary school success. The claim is that with the time and opportunity to engage a smaller class you are now able to conduct meaningful conversation and get involved with more interactive activity.
It makes sense though. Less people to organize the quicker and more efficiently projects can be done. And in the English class; why not have an open discussion about the book they've just read with about 15-20 students? Instead of taking one person trying to talk over and direct 30-40 people in a classroom the desk can barely fit in.

Smaller class sizes seems to be the best solution. A progressive option without a con worth mentioning. Building bigger structures to house the classrooms and labs would definitely be an investment worth making if it means brighter children with a greater potential for success and creates a stronger desire to succeed.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I've known forever

How do you figure out your purpose?

Every since I was able to solve 100 piece puzzles without the help of my big sister Ive known Ive wanted to work in the media field and become a household name throughout america and abroad. Doing what exactly I wasn't sure at that age. Sooner than later though, I decided I didn't want to be tied down to only one medium but I wanted to explore every art medium humanity had to offer. From music, to movies, from television acting to website design, figure sculpting, and painting. At one point I even decided that if I was going to peruse any of this I'd have to learn to play at least 3 instruments; I chose piano, guitar, and maybe something from the winds family. Knowing this at an early age put me at a slight advantage as a teenager. I was able to work on my craft while my peers were still in shock that puberty was setting in and being lame wasn't cool.

But with all that said, producing relevant art (writing and otherwise) is apparently becoming harder for me as my college experience progresses. Having the thought is one thing, expressing it with fluidity and flawlessly is a whole other. Often times when I write, draw, photograph,etc I am more concerned with the person who is going to be viewing the piece. When instead my concern should be how I want it to come across by utilizing my own emotion to evoke others'.

One place I look for inspiration is in magazines, and not typical articles of black and white text, but with articles of clothing. When I browse through fashion magazines automatically my head fills with ides for television shows and motion picture pitches. Also color concepts for paintings or sculpture. Although my imagination is fuming with creativity and excitement I get stuck in the brainstorming stage trying different ways to execute my ideas.

When Im stuck in this phase with no hope of relief or that magical "ah-ha!" moment artist long for; I turn people who can help develop my already great ideas into otherworldly creations. I strongly believe that collaborative efforts elevate any project to its fullest potential. I appreciate harsh feedback and critique the most because it lets me know honestly and respectfully what areas I should work on so that when I'm back at the drawing board I'm fully aware of my previous missteps. Usually after this point I have a product im confident enough to sale to anyone.

"Guernica" Picasso
I say all that to say  that if there is anything your passionate about, pursue it. If its impossible for you to complete your day without visiting the idea of this passion or working on improving it or working on what ever it is, more than likely this is your talent. Each person is gifted in one way or another with no exclusions and it is our duty to share these gifts with the world. It helps too if your being payed for your contribution!

No matter how hard you have to fight, fight to make your dreams your reality.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


After reviewing the article written by Rick Santorum about free speech and internet porn I immediately took a stance. I definitely don't feel that Santorums argument is justified in claiming that our first amendment is being sullied by the vast collection of internet porn the worldwide web has to offer. I feel that freedom of speech should not be denied to anyone, regardless of how they choose to express themselves. Although e-porn has no place on the screens of young children, it discounts the fact that a lot of adults still enjoy these films and sites. By banning them you are stripping these individuals of their basic human rights.

In this instance as an artist myself I find the human form beautiful. I personally don't consider double penetration and gang bangs artistic, whose to say the person responsible for the production doesn't. Our bodies are capable of amazing feats, as human beings we shouldn't be censored on how we choose to display our abilities. As we begin on a road of a more conservative America, we are ripping rights away willy nilly. If all all the things we didn't like or disapproved of were outlawed we wouldn't be enjoying a free country, we would be left with nearly nothing as far as individual expression is concerned. Although pleasing the masses isn't ideal in this situation safer internet searching could be practiced. Maybe if young children are utilizing thir home computer there should be some spyware or parental controls set up. This would be the only preventative measure i see fit. Other than that adults should be free to view as they please.

Heck, with current media trends today, the NSFW line was blurred a long time ago anyways.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I just finished a writing assignment I thought would be so difficult!!

Well it wasn’t. I read an article about bipolar and mood disorders and the diagnosis that takes place with young children. This text really sparked my interest because I fall into the audience who this author was targeting. I was diagnosed at a very young age with bi polar disorder. I don’t believe a 7 year old me really knew what this meant, so I assumed it was a scientific term for the mentally insane or crazy. Shortly after being diagnosed my Psychiatrist felt it necessary to place me on a medical regimen while my mother and teachers recorded my behavior for his analysis. I felt like a certifiable lab rat.

After short periods of time my "reviews" were coming back not all too positive so my doses were upped and I began being monitored more heavily. At this point the mixing of medication and stresses of being a 7 year old boy were weighing on me. Only after being heavily medicated did I feel the manic highs and depressive lows the doctors claim they were "fixing." Living with a diagnosis I knew nothing about made me feel ostracized and alone because I thought everyone else would think I was crazy. The medication affected my sleep patterns, mood swings, and even the way interacted socially with my peers and authority. 

After being stripped of my freedoms, completely withdrawn socially and having my bright and witty personality totally removed. I was at least normal enough to attend public school. I felt like a mute zombie. This critical period in my life where being a child was supposed to be fun and enjoyable became an up and down elevator of distress. I have no doubt that this marker in my childhood is still today affecting the way I interact and approach others.

Concerning the children of the future, I feel the best way to determine social inappropriateness should be done at an older age. I believe the fact that some children just aren’t as quiet and reserved as others should be considered before making any conclusions about their mental health. Each human is unique in nature and should be treated as such and most, if not all, social norms should be disregarded when diagnosing behavior in young children.