"Pay you? For what!? We already let you live, eat, shit and spit for free... now you wanna be here getting paid! Boo-Who; so what you sprained your ankle. Get some ice and suck it up. It should be the love of the sport and the advantage at education that the most deserving don't even have that drives you; not minimum wadge for shooting baskets and making goals!"
-My inner thoughts on wasted $$$
Athletics seem to be the cash cow for many major universities and institutions; private and public. It appears that schools take huge pride in the ability of their athletes; rightfully. What throws those who oppose a curve ball is when on top of full rides including tuition and books, and in some cases free food, housing, and transportation, is when athletes feel they deserve, on top of it all, an actual paycheck for their efforts. I disagree. Not only because its ridiculously unfair to other students, but because they are already technically making an income by having an all-expense paid college experience. For example, tuition at a D1school can range from less than $10,000 all the way up to over $70,000. Traditional students attending strictly for academics are responsible for these fees, whereas athletes have this fee among many others waived. In all fairness these payouts are incredibly wasteful. By allowing student athletes the same wiggle room as a traditional student paying for school by workforce funds you are setting a subliminal standard that athletes are superior to the general population. Having a full ride would mean the world to most people and if natural talent isnt deserving and good grades only gets you halfway, should we all be forced to pick up an athletic hobby?! Out of my 2 years in college I have met plenty of athletes who feel payment should be mandatory and common place; but have no idea what their classes and books cost! Either they don't care or they DON'T CARE! In my personal opinion I believe athletes deserve every penny of the money spent on them to attend a particular institution and represent their athletics department, but where demands become ridiculous is when they are asking for physical paychecks along with their luxurious amenities provided on arrival.
If student athletes were to receive physical paychecks, I'd demand that the money payed out would become money owed and deducted from an amount payed by scholarships!
...I 'd even boycott the campus with sit ins to validate my point
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