"Their (Teens) Brains cant multi-task as well..."
And why is that? According to Life Science Staff its because their brains aren't fully developed at this age. I call hog wash. I'm confident that science can explain away lots of life's mysteries ever so conveniently, but this one I can't give the credit to atoms and cells. In this matter, although every child is rare, unique, and complex, it comes down to sheer discipline. If you assign someone a task no matter the age they should be able to execute that task efficiently. Now if your child is 4 and your asking them to wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the gutters, and take out the trash you would be asking of them the impossible. But, if your 15 year old can sync apps and phone numbers between her iPad and iPod I's more than positive she can handle a list of chores. I firmly believe that technology is the root of our shrinking attention span. Before cell phones and television people like Rembrandt or Caravaggio were creating masterpieces. Even Da Vinci was a jack of all trades mastering not only the arts, but sciences as well. I'm sure that today's youth can handle household chores.
The steps to take to get our children focused lies within repetition. To make sure tasks are being completed on schedule a routine should established. After a schedule is put into place sticking to it will become routine. Putting emphasis on the importance of these tasks will ultimately make it priority on the child's to do list.
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