Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Im convinced that keeping class sizes smalls is completely beneficial and even progressive!

1. Smaller class sizes allow instructors to direct s small group.

Smaller groups meeting allows for much more efficient instruction leading to increased student performance as well as enhancing memory and retention. Students meeting in smaller class room settings naturally have less distractions due to less people. Mostly because the teacher is able to pay more attention to the number of students they are responsible for in this type of environment. With more attention divided among only a few versus a mass, it makes completeing task much more easy.

2. Less Students/Classs  ::   More Teachers

If this trend does become a global norm then we now have more people employed to mold the eager minds we find in institutions all around the world. We cant argue more jobs. But not only do we have more people in the work force. We have more people being prepared for the work force and in a more efficint way. With more teachers emplyed im sure the economy could only improve. And to increase those odds we have young minds around the globe ready to work in order to make a decent living and future.

3. Ahead of the curve?

Althoguh no official studies have been done claims are that smaller class sizes increase the chances of secondary school success. The claim is that with the time and opportunity to engage a smaller class you are now able to conduct meaningful conversation and get involved with more interactive activity.
It makes sense though. Less people to organize the quicker and more efficiently projects can be done. And in the English class; why not have an open discussion about the book they've just read with about 15-20 students? Instead of taking one person trying to talk over and direct 30-40 people in a classroom the desk can barely fit in.

Smaller class sizes seems to be the best solution. A progressive option without a con worth mentioning. Building bigger structures to house the classrooms and labs would definitely be an investment worth making if it means brighter children with a greater potential for success and creates a stronger desire to succeed.

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