Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Scientific Expenditure

Spending millions on science has no purpose if it doesn't help anyone. With Obama re-elected for his second term, he has made promises during his campaign that I'm positive voters will hold him accountable for. One in particular is the funding of alternative energy to aid in climate control and overall planet health. He has currently staffed a team of elite scientist to head his venture to ensure its legitimacy. After reading the passage in the text I found it to illustrate extremely valid points and puts a microscope on the inter workings of our government. I feel his concern should be everyone's; which is to make sure that the money tax payers are giving in abundance is used properly. I feel holding law makers and country leaders to this will ultimately be the job of the people. Although scientific research is advancing the money still isn't there to make a significant difference when regarding natural disaster. The author highlights a great example in our American history referring to the hurricane in New Orleans, LA. Claiming that preventative measures would have made more of an impact than spending time and money trying to recuperate from these catastrophes. Although I fully agree with him, I feel as though if we have the science to determine these instances before hand we should not only have a budget for preventative measures, but also the finances to FULLY relieve individuals who are directly impacted by the disaster after the fact.Even though preventative measures are just as important I feel that relief afterwards is perfectly matched.

Many families are left with no homes due to natural anomalies. We should be prepared to rescue them as a nation of brothers and sisters.


If we can afford to bail out multi-million dollar companies, feed millions of people with stamps, and build new structures throughout the year, we should be able to afford to help the people who helped pay for it.

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