Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When in doubt...

I got to create my own instrumental today for the intro to my animated short. I hope you all like it, let me know what you think about it please!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Reading through the passage titled "Among Believers" published in Joining the Conversation. I had a hard time not being judgmental internally, but as I finished reading and understood the message the writer was trying to convey it made me think of the roles our parents and guardians play in the religions we choose to follow. If a child is told very young about God he will grow to believe in him and what he knows of him. Much like the silly assholes who tell their kids Santa is real, giving him credit after spending their hard earned money during the biggest and most expensive Holiday of the year. What we as adults have to realize with our children is that their not stupid and when their cognition grows more questions will need to be answered. And in this moment is where I believe religion takes a turn for the worse. Being a parent has you explaining to your children your own morals and to stay on the "right" path or hell will be your reward. Which as a young, gay, black male scared me to death. Thinking I'd forever burn in hell for my thoughts, and behaviors. When dealing with children it is always best in my own belief to guide them and not direct them. People without or without religion are mostly taught very young and more than likely by a parental figure the way to deny or embrace specific religious beliefs. From my own experience religious practices at a young age causes stress and fright. Being afraid that no matter what I do or how much good, that my afterlife will forever be in flames. As a kid timeout seems like forever, a 5 year old could never truly imagine forever! In the passage he illustrates a very key point in his experience at vacation Bible school.

 He tells about how during his visit he was asked to color pictures of popular Biblical characters, and to make crosses out of Popsicle sticks. I was an intelligent child and these activities offended me and were completely arbitrary. I thought it to be very unimpressive for a church to have the kitty congregation color images of people they have no idea who they are as well as using images depicting a very Americanized white Jesus as the son of God. Which I believe to be a brainwashing technique to learn that your savior is white, but thats for another entry. He talks more about memorizing a hymn from the book of Psalms his teacher gave him while he was feeling doubtful. By the time he remembered the entire scripture he was ready to say it before prayer for Sunday diner, he said the words provided him warmth and comfort. Which i believe was the whole point of his story being told. Saying that no matter what you belive in you can always learn. He ended up being interrupted during for it being too lengthy; He still finished! In all, this story only reminds me of the religious battles I faced as a toddler all the way up into my late teens. Also reminding me of the way Christianity has influenced my life's decisions. I believe the words of the Bible aren't to be lived by word for letter, but to learn by and grow as mankind. When teaching children about religion throw away the cheap crayons and print outs of Mary and lambs. and work on conveying the messages the bible teaches in a language they can understand. And on one last note, everyone needs to stop mass distribution of images of Jesus being a white man with straight long hair, when that's probably the opposite of how he really looked. And if you believe it doesn't matter... then why did they change it in the first place?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

iGuess you can call it a poem

..something random I chose to write. I think the word love is a strong word because its more than just an emotion. Its a physical, mental, and spiritual state that allows one human being to be completely selfless to the life of another. "Love" and "the" are on completely different sides of the spectrum. Where "the" is used multiple times, sometimes even in the same sentence "love" should be sacred and distributed seldom.

My love

My love wont judge you or critique your flaws
My love wont ever hurt intentionally, and never physically
My love wont discourage your thoughts
My love wont ever harass your character, because your perfect to me
My love wont demand anything from you, 'cause its all for me
My love wont assume the worst in you
My love wont deny you
My love wont hold on to the past; letting it destroy our future
My love wont scare you away
My love wont make you wander, or wonder

My love will make you happier than you have ever been
My love will make you feel like a King
My love will forever last
My love will get me a Ring!
My love will take care of your every need, leaving nothing dismissed
My love will stimulate your mind, body, and soul
My love will capture your heart with no will to be freed
My love will mature your mind
My love will wake you up feeling well rested
My love will never have to be tested
My love will keep you full
My love will "hakunamatata"
My love will provide you peace
My love will be everlasting
My love will complete you

At the very least, my Love


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Respect the net!

Abusing Social Media, and for what...

Lately reading about what the attention to social media and online gossip does to the dollar in a company has me much more concerned on how rather when. And more about the types of media being viewed and observed and how millions of people are choosing to use these precious gifts we've been given in this our future for utter fuckery. (i.e. twitter, and clouds, and things like that.) I cant stress enough how powerful this generation is. Some of us more creative and intelligent individuals use these sites and technologies for good, work, school, and just keeping up with friends. Some even to make some pocket money and all the way up to Mult-billion dollar companies. If your familiar with the web and all of its many entertainments you come across your sites like,, and even and with the good come the bad. Where now its acceptable, funny, and even looked forward to having boy and girls exploit themselves online. And that extends from young children recorded and shared cursing and fighting. All the way up to their parens in the clubs getting drunk doing the exact same. Not to long ago, God Bless her, the young lady Amber cole was videotaped in public giving oral sex apparently to two of her classmates while they filmed, and shared good cheers. Being that she only 14 and these are websites that can clearly be munipluted and accessed by people their age and much younger, this type of things make an impression. Especially since how far and fast it spread in only a few days. The thing I believe is making it seem okay is the videos they DO allow without flag to be published online and spread widely, even endorsed. For example, it is now a legitimate bussiness to hire a professional TerkTeam to come to your city for a school or local function, go on stage and shake their ass for hours. Providing a full on performance of just that. (A "franchise" marketed on YouTube)

It kinda scares me thinking to which direction the majority of us will take with the use and powers the internet holds. What people are failing to realize is that we as mankind, have mastered every element of life, every thing living ,dead, or inanimate. So why not use these things to our advantage? Why not use these things to make our children smarter, instead of sluttier? Music videos, celebrity, films, and music are also to blame. Since that plays a  good percentage of the information even shared. If songs like "Blow my whistle" and "My homies still" can be played on any popular radio station with someone very obviously giving instrutions on how to suck dick...

"Go girl you can twerk it
Let me see you whistle while you work it
I'mma lay it back, don't stop it
'Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it on me
Now, shawty let that whistle blow-oh, oh oh
Yeah, baby let that whistle blow-oh oh!

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

Let me know
Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it
And we start real slow
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go

Whistle baby, whistle baby,

Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby,
Whistle baby, whistle baby,
Whistle baby, whistle baby" 
And the other chanting "throw that dick, throw that dick." What are kids to do, especially with catchy hooks and repetitive beats. Not to mention the fact that laptops are customary for our youngsters these days. So just in case they didn't catch a lyric, is just a click away.

With media and social networking (slowly raising our children) rising in popularity. While in the hands of immature and uninformed young people and adults on their jobs slacking. We risk our internet becoming forever and increasingly wasteful for the masses. Hey, who knows they might even take it away from us. I know everyone remembers the SOPA & PIPA cuasing the internet community to shut down for 24-hours. Clearly with the flick of a pen and the right signatures our freedoms we take for granted can easily be revoked.

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